
The members of this module fall into three general categories:

Atomic Numbers & Symbols

Conversions between atomic numbers and symbols is provided by two dict members.

atom_num provides the atomic number of an atomic symbol passed in ALL CAPS:

>>> opan.const.atom_num['CU']

atom_sym provides the atomic symbol corresponding to a given atomic number:

>>> opan.const.atom_sym[96]

The elements hydrogen (\(Z=1\)) through lawrencium (\(Z=103\)) are currently supported.

String/Numerical Constants

The purpose of most of these classes and their member values is sufficiently explained in the respective API entries. The classes anticipated to be most useful to users are the physical constants of PHYS:

>>> from opan.const import PHYS
>>> PHYS.LIGHT_SPEED                # Atomic units

as well as the string representations of engineering units of UNITS:

>>> from opan.const import UNITS
>>> from opan.const import EnumUnitsRotConst as EURC

Two of the remaining classes, DEF and PRM, define default values that are primarily relevant to programmatic use of opan. In unusual circumstances, though, they may be useful in console interactions.

CIC currently covers a very limited scope (the minimum and maximum atomic numbers implemented) and will likely not be useful at the console.


From the perspective of the end user, enumerations in opan are “functional types,” which don’t need instantiation before use:

>>> opan.const.EnumDispDirection.NO_DISP

The enumeration values are simple strings:

>>> type(opan.const.EnumDispDirection.NO_DISP)
<class 'str'>

While this implementation is susceptible to accidental mixing of enumerated types, it has the advantage of allowing simple str inputs to functions expecting enumerated values. This is anticipated to be useful in console-level interactions with a variety of program elements. For example, the engineering units to be output from opan.utils.inertia.rot_consts() can be specified simply with the appropriate string, instead of the fully specified enumeration object:

>>> from opan.utils.inertia import rot_consts
>>> from opan.const import EnumUnitsRotConst as EURC
>>> rot_consts(some_geom, some_masses, 'INV_INERTIA')       # Works fine
>>> rot_consts(some_geom, some_masses, EURC.INV_INERTIA)     # Also works

As noted in the API documentation for EnumIterMeta, both iteration and membership testing with “in” are supported:

>>> 'NO_DISP' in opan.const.EnumDispDirection
>>> [e for e in sorted(opan.const.EnumDispDirection)]