error – Custom Errors


Most interactive use of opan will not require detailed knowledge of the custom errors in this module.

The custom exceptions in this module are all subclassed from opan.error.OpanError, which itself is a subclass of Exception. In addition to the typical error message included as part of initializing an Exception, the custom error subclasses of OpanError also define a typecode and a source attribute (typically a filename or other data source) to allow more finely-grained definition of error origins and types. In the below example, attempting to import the source file for this usage page as an OpenBabel XYZ file quite sensibly results in an error:

>>> x ='error.rst')
Traceback (most recent call last):
XYZError: (XYZFILE) No valid geometry found: XYZ file: error.rst

The custom exception XYZError is raised with typecode XYZFILE, indicating a problem with the indicated input file. The external data source causing the exception is included after the final colon (error.rst, this file). If no data source is relevant to a given exception, it is omitted.

The subclasses of opan.const.OpanEnum are equipped with membership testing of and iteration over their respective typecodes:

>>> 'XYZFILE' in XYZError
>>> [tc for tc in sorted(XYZError)]

Raising these exceptions follows standard syntax, save for the extra ‘typecode’ and ‘source’ parameters:

>>> raise XYZError(XYZError.OVERWRITE, "Spurious overwrite", "Console")
Traceback (most recent call last):
XYZError: (OVERWRITE) Spurious overwrite: Console